Blog de SUP

Interview with Dan Gavere - Starboard International Team
Dan Gavere con su Starboard Astro Stream

We had the pleasure to meet Dan Gavere, ex-member of Starboard Internatioanl Dream Team, recently appointed as SUP and Windsurf Sales and Event Director for Fanatic USA. He was part of the Starboard team since 2009 and now is part of Fanatic team since 2017.

The whole HoeNalu team would like to thank Dan for his collaboration. we had the pleasure to talk with him during the international meeting set up by Starboard on the Costa Brave in september last year and we thought he was a very friendly and helpful person. A little known detail is that Dan was originally born in Spain, because his father was in the military and stationed in our country.
Tips for adjusting the length and size of your SUP Paddle
Consejos para ajustar la longitud y medida del remo de SUP

Practicing SUP depends on one essential and basic element, the SUP Paddle. Without it, Paddle Surf becomes simply Surf, which is a whole different sport. Nonetheless, the way to adjust a SUP Paddle will depend on the style we practice, our physical features and the board we use. The most important elements when adjusting the length and size of a paddle are the handle length and the blade size.